17 May 2023 for R Ladies Philly
This procedure allows you to estimate the causal effect of the treatment on some outcome
Tell me in the chat while I tell you about my experiment.
Koch, Colleen S., et al. “Training Rhea Americana chicks to walk voluntarily across a scale; effect on the handler’s time and the chicks’ weight gain compared with traditional techniques: A pilot study.” Journal of Veterinary Behavior 18 (2017): 69-75.
Thanks, Mom!
chicks <- read.csv("rhea.tables.grams.20150626.csv") chicks$treatment <- as.factor(chicks$treatment) chicks$breeding_group <- as.factor(chicks$breeding_group) chicks$sex <- as.factor(chicks$sex) chicks$hatch_date <- as.Date(chicks$hatch_date, format="%m/%d") chicks$color <- as.factor(chicks$color) head(chicks)
## treatment chick breeding_group hatch_date grams_day0 grams_day10 ## 1 Voluntary Walk-On 1667357 non 2023-05-29 362.88 426.38 ## 2 Voluntary Walk-On 1670335 non 2023-05-30 408.24 444.53 ## 3 Voluntary Walk-On 1680454 non 2023-05-30 399.17 453.60 ## 4 Voluntary Walk-On 1660777 non 2023-05-30 449.06 453.60 ## 5 Voluntary Walk-On 1680457 non 2023-05-31 430.92 426.38 ## 6 Voluntary Walk-On 1667737 non 2023-06-02 435.46 435.46 ## grams_day25 pct_gain sex color ## 1 916.27 114.89 f b ## 2 1106.78 148.98 m b ## 3 1161.22 156.00 f b ## 4 1215.65 168.00 m b ## 5 1115.86 161.70 m b ## 6 952.56 118.75 m w
## treatment chick breeding_group hatch_date ## Involuntary Bucket:17 Min. : 167633 breeder:14 Min. :2023-05-28 ## Voluntary Walk-On :18 1st Qu.:1667170 non :21 1st Qu.:2023-05-30 ## Median :1667934 Median :2023-05-30 ## Mean :1626957 Mean :2023-06-01 ## 3rd Qu.:1671362 3rd Qu.:2023-06-08 ## Max. :1680841 Max. :2023-06-10 ## grams_day0 grams_day10 grams_day25 pct_gain sex ## Min. :317.5 Min. :308.4 Min. : 517.1 Min. : 16.33 f :15 ## 1st Qu.:383.3 1st Qu.:408.2 1st Qu.: 821.0 1st Qu.: 99.72 m :18 ## Median :403.7 Median :426.4 Median : 997.9 Median :134.69 NA's: 2 ## Mean :403.3 Mean :433.8 Mean :1033.9 Mean :138.99 ## 3rd Qu.:426.4 3rd Qu.:453.6 3rd Qu.:1211.1 3rd Qu.:172.34 ## Max. :476.3 Max. :535.2 Max. :1705.5 Max. :290.48 ## color ## b:27 ## w: 8 ## ## ## ##
Rhea chicks
Each subject has two potential outcomes in the experiment: \[Y_i(1) \hspace{1in}{ } Y_i(0)\]
The individual treatment effect is the difference between these two outcomes: \[\tau_i = Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\] Unfortunately, we can only observe one potential outcome for each subject, so we can never know what \(\tau_i\) is for each subject
Typically, the goal of an experiment is to estimate the average treatment effect (ATE): \[\tau = \mathbb{E}_i[Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)]\] which we estimate as the difference-in-means \[\widehat\tau = \frac{1}{n_1}\sum_{\textrm{treated}}Y_i(1) - \frac{1}{n_0}\sum_{\textrm{control}}Y_i(0)\] where \(n_1\) and \(n_0\) are the number of treated and control subjects.
chicks %>% group_by(treatment) %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25))
## # A tibble: 2 × 2 ## treatment `mean(grams_day25)` ## <fct> <dbl> ## 1 Involuntary Bucket 1100. ## 2 Voluntary Walk-On 972.
chicks %>% filter(treatment=="Voluntary Walk-On") %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25)) - chicks %>% filter(treatment=="Involuntary Bucket") %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25))
## mean(grams_day25) ## 1 -128.1348
The difference-in-means \(\widehat\tau\) is an unbiased estimate of the average treatment effect (ATE)
Under the assumption that the outcomes for one subject do not affect the other subjects (SUTVA)
In other words, randomization eliminates the possiblity of confounders
The average treatment effect averages over the population in the experiment.
The ideal experiment randomly samples from the target population.
So, there are two types of randomization in the ideal experiment: random sampling to selct subjects and random assignment to treatments
The goal of a statistical analysis is to quantify uncertainty. One statistical analysis used for experiments is a t test. Here we have a very wide confidence interval for the difference, so we “aren’t too sure” about the difference.
t.test(grams_day25 ~ treatment, data=chicks)
## ## Welch Two Sample t-test ## ## data: grams_day25 by treatment ## t = 1.3131, df = 27.536, p-value = 0.2 ## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Involuntary Bucket and group Voluntary Walk-On is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -71.90882 328.17843 ## sample estimates: ## mean in group Involuntary Bucket mean in group Voluntary Walk-On ## 1099.8465 971.7117
m1 <- lm(grams_day25 ~ treatment, data=chicks) summary(m1)
## ## Call: ## lm(formula = grams_day25 ~ treatment, data = chicks) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -582.75 -228.94 -19.15 173.63 605.69 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 1099.85 69.18 15.898 <2e-16 *** ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -128.13 96.47 -1.328 0.193 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 285.2 on 33 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.05075, Adjusted R-squared: 0.02199 ## F-statistic: 1.764 on 1 and 33 DF, p-value: 0.1932
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## (Intercept) 959.0988 1240.59415 ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -324.3981 68.12846
Treatment effects may be different for different groups of subjects.
chicks %>% group_by(color, treatment) %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25), .groups="keep")
## # A tibble: 4 × 3 ## # Groups: color, treatment [4] ## color treatment `mean(grams_day25)` ## <fct> <fct> <dbl> ## 1 b Involuntary Bucket 1175. ## 2 b Voluntary Walk-On 1005. ## 3 w Involuntary Bucket 855. ## 4 w Voluntary Walk-On 855.
chicks %>% filter(color=="b", treatment=="Voluntary Walk-On") %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25)) - chicks %>% filter(color=="b", treatment=="Involuntary Bucket") %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25))
## mean(grams_day25) ## 1 -170.1252
chicks %>% filter(color=="w", treatment=="Voluntary Walk-On") %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25)) - chicks %>% filter(color=="w", treatment=="Involuntary Bucket") %>% summarize(mean(grams_day25))
## mean(grams_day25) ## 1 0
We can incorporate modifiers in the regression analysis using an interaction.
m2 <- lm(grams_day25 ~ color + treatment + treatment:color, data=chicks) summary(m2)
## ## Call: ## lm(formula = grams_day25 ~ color + treatment + treatment:color, ## data = chicks) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -494.77 -191.82 1.94 193.58 530.37 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 1175.17 75.57 15.551 3.44e-16 *** ## colorw -320.14 155.79 -2.055 0.0484 * ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -170.13 104.94 -1.621 0.1151 ## colorw:treatmentVoluntary Walk-On 170.13 219.39 0.775 0.4440 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 272.5 on 31 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.1863, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1076 ## F-statistic: 2.367 on 3 and 31 DF, p-value: 0.08995
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## (Intercept) 1021.0503 1329.295848 ## colorw -637.8703 -2.405846 ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -384.1602 43.909719 ## colorw:treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -277.3240 617.574479
Looking for subgroups with different treatment effects is called effect modification or stratified analysis or heterogeneous treatment effects.
We are estimating conditional average treatment effects (CATEs): \[\mathbb{E}[\tau_i | X] = \mathbb{E}[Y_i(1)-Y_i(0) | X_i]\] which is pronounced “the expected treatment effect given X”.
is shorthand for color + treatment + treatment:color
m2 <- lm(pct_gain ~ color*treatment, data=chicks) summary(m2)
## ## Call: ## lm(formula = pct_gain ~ color * treatment, data = chicks) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -112.757 -44.038 6.086 36.246 121.473 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 169.01 17.11 9.878 4.3e-11 *** ## colorw -64.39 35.27 -1.826 0.0776 . ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -40.40 23.76 -1.700 0.0991 . ## colorw:treatmentVoluntary Walk-On 47.96 49.67 0.966 0.3417 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 61.69 on 31 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.15, Adjusted R-squared: 0.06779 ## F-statistic: 1.824 on 3 and 31 DF, p-value: 0.1633
Adding 0 +
to the formula eliminates the intercept
m3 <- lm(pct_gain ~ 0 + color*treatment, data=chicks) summary(m3)
## ## Call: ## lm(formula = pct_gain ~ 0 + color * treatment, data = chicks) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -112.757 -44.038 6.086 36.246 121.473 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## colorb 169.01 17.11 9.878 4.3e-11 *** ## colorw 104.61 30.85 3.391 0.00191 ** ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -40.40 23.76 -1.700 0.09907 . ## colorw:treatmentVoluntary Walk-On 47.96 49.67 0.966 0.34174 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 61.69 on 31 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.8552, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8366 ## F-statistic: 45.78 on 4 and 31 DF, p-value: 1.395e-12
If the variables we use to define subgroups are affected by the treatment, then the estimates of the subgroup treatment effects are no longer valid.
Typically, we use variables that were collected prior to randomization. Another name for modifier variable is pre-randomization covariates to emphasize this.
m4 <- lm(pct_gain ~ color*treatment + sex*treatment, data=chicks) # does the same thing summary(m4)
## ## Call: ## lm(formula = pct_gain ~ color * treatment + sex * treatment, ## data = chicks) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -105.888 -40.450 -7.452 40.592 110.482 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 179.998 26.707 6.740 3.09e-07 *** ## colorw -70.920 38.305 -1.851 0.0751 . ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -37.855 36.606 -1.034 0.3103 ## sexm -17.860 32.553 -0.549 0.5878 ## colorw:treatmentVoluntary Walk-On 88.334 61.562 1.435 0.1628 ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On:sexm -5.833 45.738 -0.128 0.8995 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 63.68 on 27 degrees of freedom ## (2 observations deleted due to missingness) ## Multiple R-squared: 0.1613, Adjusted R-squared: 0.005978 ## F-statistic: 1.038 on 5 and 27 DF, p-value: 0.4154
## 2.5 % 97.5 % ## (Intercept) 125.19958 234.795498 ## colorw -149.51541 7.675208 ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -112.96449 37.253957 ## sexm -84.65292 48.933420 ## colorw:treatmentVoluntary Walk-On -37.98083 214.649214 ## treatmentVoluntary Walk-On:sexm -99.67978 88.013821
If we have variables that are unaffected by treatment, we can use them to create subgroups and estimate conditional average treatment effects (CATE) for each subgroup.
and grams_day_0
s for sex and lm
throws out those incomplete cases.We are going to be using some packages that don’t play nicely with factors and data frames. So, let’s create some numeric versions of our potential modifiers.
# **potential modifiers must be numeric** when using the grf package breeder <- 1*(chicks$breeding_group == "breeder") # 1=breeder, 0=non hatch_date <- as.numeric(chicks$hatch_date) grams_day0 <- chicks$grams_day0 female <- 1*(chicks$sex == "f") # 1=female, 0=male brown <- 1*(chicks$color == "b") # 1=b, 2=w
A classification and regression tree (CART) is an alternative to a linear model for regression. Here is a CART predicting grams_day25
from our potential modifiers.
A random forest is a collection of trees estimated from different sub-samples of the data. The predictions for each unit are averaging the predictions across trees.
This is an example of bagging which is an ensemble technique.
We can fit a random forest using the grf
package. grf
stands for Generalized Random Forests.
Y <- chicks$grams_day25 # outcome W <- chicks$treatment=="Voluntary Walk-On" # treatment X <- data.frame(breeder, hatch_date, grams_day0, female, brown) rf <- regression_forest(X, Y, num.trees = 100, seed=20230517)
plot(get_tree(rf, 1))
plot(get_tree(rf, 4))
Random forests aggregate across trees to get the prediction. Unlike lm
the predictions don’t necessarily follow a linear pattern.
plot(chicks$hatch_date, rf$predictions, col=chicks$color)
A causal forest is a random forest build to predict each unit’s treatment effect \(\tau_i = Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\) as a function of potential modifiers \(X_i\). It allows us to sort through the potential modifiers quickly and identify non-linear relationships relationships.
causal_forest documentation
To fit a causal forest for the chick experiment, we call grf::causal_forest
The inputs are the modifiers X
, the outcomes Y
, the treatment W
, and the probability of treatment in the experiment W.hat
cf <- causal_forest(X, Y, W, W.hat = 0.5, seed=19980103)
The goal of the causal forest is to estimate the conditional average treatment effects (CATEs), i.e. \[\mathbb{E}[\tau_i|X_i] = \mathbb{E}[Y_i(1)-Y_i(0)|X_i]\] For the Rhea chicks experiment this is the effect of the Voluntary Walk-On treatment versus the Involuntary Bucket on the chick weight at day 25.
## CATE breeder hatch_date grams_day0 female brown ## 1 -139.4173 0 19506 362.88 1 1 ## 2 -161.7334 0 19507 408.24 0 1 ## 3 -156.8684 0 19507 399.17 1 1 ## 4 -164.1048 0 19507 449.06 0 1 ## 5 -151.3777 0 19508 430.92 0 1 ## 6 -145.4583 0 19510 435.46 0 0 ## 7 -143.8213 0 19516 426.38 1 1 ## 8 -136.3567 0 19517 385.56 0 1 ## 9 -160.1464 0 19517 444.53 1 1 ## 10 -165.6790 0 19518 362.88 0 1 ## 11 -142.8160 0 19518 403.70 1 1 ## 12 -154.8662 1 19505 421.85 1 0 ## 13 -132.9799 1 19506 367.42 0 1 ## 14 -143.9325 1 19506 399.17 0 1 ## 15 -171.1630 1 19507 317.52 1 1 ## 16 -122.9478 1 19507 403.70 NA 0 ## 17 -124.2064 1 19507 408.24 0 1 ## 18 -127.9846 1 19508 367.42 NA 0 ## 19 -113.0343 0 19507 381.02 0 1 ## 20 -163.6664 0 19507 385.56 0 1 ## 21 -153.9435 0 19507 376.49 1 1 ## 22 -181.0604 0 19508 399.17 0 1 ## 23 -170.4922 0 19508 430.92 0 0 ## 24 -127.6462 0 19517 426.38 0 1 ## 25 -138.9372 0 19517 381.02 0 1 ## 26 -136.0210 0 19517 476.28 1 0 ## 27 -155.7796 0 19517 399.17 1 1 ## 28 -124.9835 0 19518 385.56 1 1 ## 29 -112.2167 1 19505 390.10 0 1 ## 30 -160.0674 1 19506 344.74 0 1 ## 31 -134.5818 1 19506 412.78 1 1 ## 32 -185.2478 1 19506 449.06 1 0 ## 33 -153.4530 1 19507 426.38 1 0 ## 34 -125.6560 1 19507 444.53 0 1 ## 35 -154.8203 1 19508 412.78 1 1
The random forest we fit before predicts grams_day25
but the causal forest predicts the CATEs
plot(rf$predictions, cf$predictions)
stripchart(cf$predictions~chicks$color, vertical=TRUE)
stripchart(cf$predictions~chicks$sex, vertical=TRUE)
plot(chicks$hatch_date, cf$predictions)
library(policytree) rewards <- cbind(control=-get_scores(cf), treat=get_scores(cf)) tree <- policy_tree(X, rewards, min.node.size = 1) plot(tree, leaf.labels=c("Involuntary Walk-On", "Voluntary Bucket"))
It can be hard to figure out which modifiers are “important.” One way to do that is to use grf:best_linear_projection
which finds the linear model that fits best to the random forest.
best_linear_projection(cf, X)
## ## Best linear projection of the conditional average treatment effect. ## Confidence intervals are cluster- and heteroskedasticity-robust (HC3): ## ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 761337.0846 559380.7162 1.3610 0.18475 ## breeder -408.5533 279.8861 -1.4597 0.15591 ## hatch_date -38.9312 28.6896 -1.3570 0.18603 ## grams_day0 -3.5664 4.2136 -0.8464 0.40477 ## female 276.6646 205.1490 1.3486 0.18867 ## brown -526.4337 257.6604 -2.0431 0.05091 . ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
combines the CATES to obtain an average treatment effect. It is similar to our difference-in-means estimate of -128.1
## estimate std.err ## -138.56257 98.13805
Sometimes std.err
of the causal forest ATE will be smaller than the difference-in-means ATE. Accounting for variability due to treatment modifiers can make the ATE estimate more precise.
Elea McDonnell Feit
Associate Professor of Marketing
Drexel University